Friday, March 16, 2012

A Spectacular Surprise??

I opened up my April issue of Runner's World yesterday (I get the electronic version, which apparently comes much slower than the paper issues, because I have heard everyone talking about this for over a week!) and saw the most beautiful ad for the 2013 WDW Marathon!!!

Its kind of hard to read the small print...but there are 2 awesome pieces of information:
1. A "spectacular surprise" at Mile 20!!!
2. Special anniversary Mickey medal!!

I am equally excited for both of these things!  Disney medals on a regular occasion are awesome, so I cannot even begin to imagine what this one will be like.  They eventually revealed the 15th Anniversary Donald medal for the half marathon last year, so I wonder if they will show this one early or keep it top secret.  I kind of hope they keep it secret till we cross the finish line :-)

The spectacular surprise will be interesting.  I am hoping that it is either a Mickey Mouse ice cream bar (yum yum) or beer (yum yum).  However, both of these are probably unlikely.  I wonder what it will be though! It will not be anything tangible, since we will still have to carry it around for 6 more miles.  Plus, I think my definition of "spectacular" is somewhat different than Disney' I am thinking maybe more along the lines of a special character op? But who knows!

I cannot wait to find out!!!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it exciting. I can't wait to find out more about the great stuff that's going to happen for this very special anniversary. I would be doing the race either way, but for my third Dopey it makes it even more amazing!!!
